The Renuvion™ procedure is nothing like the traditional facelift. Renuvion™® is the first of its kind, non-laser device that assists with rejuvenating the face without having to undergo a traditional facelift. The results are astonishing with patients looking up to 10 years younger, for only a fraction of the cost, risk, and downtime of a full facelift. The Renuvion™ face lifting procedure is performed using VASER® ultrasound energy, Renuvion® helium energy, and a proprietary technique to tighten the soft tissues below the skin, which dramatically rejuvenates the upper and lower face.
Unlike traditional lasers, Renuvion™ energy can be administered under the skin (subcutaneously) because it uses energized helium to create a plasma energy field (75% less of the thermal load of a CO2 laser). When introduced under the skin, it causes immediate and often dramatic skin tightening. There is no significant scarring because only 3-5 very small incisions (only 5 millimeters in size) are needed. The entire procedure is done at Fleming Island Surgery Center with IV sedation and usually takes about an hour. Best yet, unlike a traditional facelift, the initial recovery can be as short as three days.
If you want the best of both worlds, it is possible to get a staged procedure in which you undergo the dermal ablation procedure first and then Renuvion™ after the resurfacing of your skin has healed. This combination will significantly improve skin tone, texture, and color on the surface in addition to significantly tightening your skin.
Dr. Wallace will make 3 – 5 very small incisions. With IV Sedation and a local anesthetic used to numb the area, VASER® is then introduced through the small incisions. VASER® uses ultrasound energy and causes the fat tissue and skin to be released. Excess fat can be easily removed if needed and the skin is then ready for treatment with the plasma energy. Dr. Wallace will thread an invisible stitch/suture into the SMAS layer (the strong connective tissue that envelops the face and connects to the platysma muscle in the neck). The SMAS and other facial tissues are what causes the sagging as we age, so that’s why we want to lift it. The invisible stitch will eventually dissolve, but the scar tissue left behind will keep the "lift" in place. Finally, using the same incisions, Dr. Wallace will introduce Renuvion™® under the skin to create instant skin tightening of the treated area and to encourage cellular rejuvenation. This means, unlike a traditional facelift, no skin needs to be removed. Renuvion™ will tighten the skin so significantly that it won’t need to be excised away, hence no excision scars.
WHAT’S THE DOWNTIME?The downtime associated with Renuvion™ can vary depending on the areas treated and how large of an area is done. This can all be discussed in detail with Dr. Wallace at the time of your consultation. A post-surgical garment will be worn following surgery as well but that should not limit your activity.
Yes! Unlike some other devices that only provide minimal improvements, Renuvion™ results in immediate skin tightening with additional tightening lasting from 2-4 weeks. Our patients are amazed by the results! Dr. Wallace sees results similar to traditional surgical techniques that would leave much larger scars. That’s what makes Renuvion™® so great.
Ultimately, the cost will depend on the size of the area being treated and will be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Wallace.